Name: Camera Tripod Fluid-Head Phone-Holder Professional Photography Aluminium DSLR/SLR
SKU: Myw5eNEkdjp
Rated 4.9/5
based on 285 Reviews
Lusweimi Store
Price :$33.21 In stock
Best Live Equipment from Lusweimi Store for Camera Tripod Fluid-Head Phone-Holder Professional Photography Aluminium DSLR/SLR
Besides that there are many disadvantages of getting Camera Tripod Fluid-Head Phone-Holder Professional Photography Aluminium DSLR/SLR from a local shop. First of all it can be very time and money consuming. Nobody has got enough time to visit various stores and pick out the one which best suits their requirement. Secondly the sellers have small amount of items to display at their stores. So you will be have no various other choice but to make variety from what is displayed. This could be tough for you as every single consumer has different requirements. Another problem you will encounter is the fact you would not have enough time to compare prices and other parts between different item and if you chose something which you find out later that it is out of your league, it can be really frustrating....Buy Now
Customer reviews:
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thank you as described working perfectly withe iphone 11 max and the remoter working withe iphone thank you
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: IML Express
Штатив доставили прямо на работу. Идёт в коробке. Сначала думал, пульт не положили, но потом обнаружил его в чехле. Штатив сделан добротно. Держатель для телефона сделан немного топорно, но работает и держит. Понравилась плавная работа механизмов. Короче, рекомендую. Пульт не проверял
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 11 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Штатив добротный, можно использовать для камеры или телефона. В комплекте разные крепления. Камеру или телефон можно установить в горизонтальном или вертикальном положении. У меня в комплекте ещё сумка - чехол, дополнительно крепление для смартфона, кнопка для управления через блютуз. Штатив чувствуется по весу но не самый тяжёлый. Для камеры он подойдёт. Платформа для крепления к фотоаппарату снимается. Её можно так и оставить на фотоаппарате и просто фиксировать на штативе, а не каждый раз прикручивать камеру. Положений много, одно когда штатив в привычном сложенном виде, + одна позиция на ножках, +2 позыции на ножках, + 3 позыции на ножках, + 3 позыции и верхняя часть выдвинута, можно выбвигать только верхнюю трубку, она крепится в нескольких положениях. С виду штатив добротный, без дефектов. Ножки и стойка по средине из металла, остальное выполнено из пластика. Очень понравился продавец, всегда на связи и отвечает на все вопросы.
Date: 03 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Посылка пришла почти за два месяца. На таможне вскрывали для досмотра. Все сделано очень неплохо. Не хлипкий, не люфтит. Единственное замечание, в самой поворотной основе, что-то попало в механизм, пыль\стружка, думаю разработается. Еще на резьбе винта крепления была стружка, из-за чего помяло несколько витков резьбы, но проходит без проблем. Пульт работает.
Date: 28 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
спасибо продавцу. посылка пришла за 2 недели. отдельное спасибо за подарок в виде пульта. (а я и не заказывал его) Рекомендую))
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 12 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
A perfect try, stability is good, details are exquisite and sturdiness. I can't wait to take photos of Christmas!
Date: 30 Nov 2020Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Super fast delivery- 11 days to Estonia. Packaging was satisfactory and as a gift i recieved a bluetooth remote which sadly can't connect with my camera for some unknown reason. The tripod is quite stirdy at medium height but if i extend it to maximum capability (1st picture) it can be quite shaky (considering my camera weighs aproximately 800g), especially outside with windy conditions. The locking mechanisms for the legs and the camera mount seem to be the most worrying aspects- i don't expect them to last forever, but for the price i couldn't want anything better.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 26 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
It was what I expected, excellent, as recorded in the description
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Thanks! All items included. Seeing good!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The tripod stows compactly and can be deployed quickly. Perfect for a telescope or light camera/phone. Smooth movements and precision adjustments. The included Bluetooth remote shooter was a bonus!
Date: 29 Dec 2020Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
superrrrrr.очень понравтлось.Регомендую!!!!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 26 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This tripod is one of the best value tripods I've ever had. It is built very well and sturdy. I don't need to be careful handling it. It can hold my camera and phone safely. It's portable and small when packed up, but it also extends a surprising amount when fully extending. This makes me easily have it at eye level when I take photos/videos. This has been my best experience with a tripod as it is very simple to use, lightweight, easy to store and works perfectly for what it is intended to do.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 06 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This is a great tripod or use it to take 360 pictures of remodeled homes. I really like the small level that it has on the base. Well recommended!!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 12 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
I purchase this tripod for my product photography, the quality make me Surprised. It has almost all the functions of a ball-head tripod, but it only cost 35 USD. It satisfies all my needs for shooting, even overhead shots, great value for money!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Sturdy, durable, perfect for DSLR cameras and traveling. Already loving my purchase!!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This is a very good quality, light weight, easy to use Tripod. It is ready for use and attaching the telescope or camera (cell phone holder included and is very easy to use) is very simple and easy. I like that there are three settings for the leg extension and adjusting them is very easy as well. You can use it on the table or on the floor and it is very sturdy. It's very light so can be moved around or taken with you very easily.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This is a well made and cleverly designed tripod, with every piece designed with the user at heart.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 12 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The stuff is great. The installation is very convenient. The installation is very fast in three or four minutes. After installation it is very stable. The bracket is very strong. And the quality is better than take photos and record videos in the future. A very cost-effective tripod.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This is a great tripod that I took to do some astrophotography ! the results came out quite nice which means the tripod did exactly what it was supposed to do. What I really like about it is that it comes with a bag and a phone mount accessory. It is light and sturdy. Would definitely recommend.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 11 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
My wife and I took a trip to the seaside.I keep the tripod in my bag, which is very convenient and easy to install.I used this device to adjust the Angle and took a lot of beautiful pictures with my wife on the beach.It was a lovely day